MORE KARDASHIAN F*CKERY!!! Kourtney Kardashian Was Photo’d OUT LAST NIGHT . . . CANOODLING . . . WitH Her Mom’s BOYFRIEND Corey Gamble!!!
This Media take over (MTO) no go kill person. See what they now saying about the kardashians now
"You know all that Rob and Chyna drama . . . well the Kardashians are trying to make y'all forget it. It appears they COOKED up a new storyline designed to take your attention away from the ROB AND CHYNA S*T SHOW.
Last night Kourtney Kardashian and Corey Gamble attended the LA hotspot NICE GUY together. No Kris Jenner was NOT there. And according o a SNITCH THAT WAS INSIDE< the two looked like they were cuddling together. And yes, they went home together.
Expect EVERY NEWS SOURCE IN THE WORLD to be talking about this in the next few days. You gotta give it to Kris Jenner . . . she's a MASTER at this kinda SH*T."